Basic Landscape Design
Design planting beds can be a bit overwhelming if you do not know much about plants, their habits, sizes etc. When you are ready to design a bed, do some research first. Hit some local nurseries and check out many of the plants. Read labels and ask questions. An independent nursery usually able to provide more information than a big box store.Will have the dimensions of the bed you are creating. A mix of evergreens (plants that lose their leaves) and deciduous (plants that lose their leaves in winter) shrubs. Adding in some perennials or herbs will add color and interest. Plantations must be symmetry and balance. It is very pleasing to the eye to plant in odd numbers and carry the plants through the bed. Plant a bush here and there makes it a bad mash. Our eye relates well with the symmetry and reads naturally from side to side. The balance is the key to good landscape design. This does not mean that all the beds have to be filled with the same material, however, carry one or two varieties from one bed to the next will create a natural flow, visual.
Foundation Planting: Planting beds along the foundation of the house will give your home a neat look. tall shrubs at the corners the house the house is anchored to the ground and soften the hard lines. An ornamental tree planted can add color and interest. Be sure to see how big an ornamental tree and the plant will grow accordingly. evergreen shrubs along the house will give color to the foundation and keep it looking nice during the winter months. Flowering shrubs and perennials for seasonal color will add a punch in the landscape.
The creation of sleeping island: the island of beds are a great way to add dimension to the patio. Plantings on an island that add visual interest, but not to block the rest of the landscape.
Have a picture will help in planning of its landscape. If you are not an artist, never mind. A drawing with dimensions will be of great help when you are in the nursery to choose shrubs. It can be shown that the seller nursery and can offer suggestions on how to buy lots of plants, spacing, etc.
Use a hose or spray paint to shape the beds before cut out. This gives you the flexibility to change the way before making it permanent. When you are ready to reach your plant shrubs, trees, etc. all so the first place, several steps back and look at the design. Make all necessary adjustments before digging the holes. Once you have placed all you want, dig a plant at a time, so its distance is the same.
Have fun, be creative and do your research. He was happy and proud of what you created.
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